Monday, September 30, 2019

Developmental Theories in Juno

The movie  Juno  is not only an excellent representation of film and the creative process coming together to create characters and a story that draws in the audience and allows them to invest themselves in the lives of the characters, but it is also an excellent example of the developmental process. This is because the movie reflects not only the development of its protagonist Juno MacGuff and her emotional growth and development, but also her physical development throughout her pregnancy.Juno  begins with the adolescent protagonist, sixteen year old  Juno MacGuff, realizing that her one night stand with her friend and long-time crush, Paulie Bleeker, has resulted in her being pregnant. However when Juno goes to the clinic to receive the abortion, she finds that both her conscience and the pro-life protesting of a fellow classmate prevent her from going through with the deed. This conflict and resulting action are what spur the young Juno on to the exceptional level of growth and development that are experienced by both her and the audience throughout the film.After nervously telling her dysfunctional parents about her pregnancy, a difficult task for any young and unsuspecting expectant mother, Juno decides that what is best for her child is to carry it to term and place it with a loving family who can provide it with what she herself cannot. From this point in the movie on, Juno's growth is more than evident, as the process of deciding on adoptive parents for her unborn child pushes her to the limits as to what a person of her age should be dealing with.After searching through a local paper Juno decides on an infertile couple from the suburbs of Minnesota, Mark and Vanessa, that is seemingly perfect, and upon meeting them they seem to be the perfect fit for her. However, as the young Juno's confidence in her decision grows, the stability of Mark and Vanessa's relationship is tested as Mark begins to befriend Juno and their mutual love of rock and horro r films makes Mark realize not only the sacrifices he has had to make personally to make his marriage work, but also whether or not a child is what he wants at this point in his life.The arising conflict, which puts extra strain on Mark's relationship with Vanessa, who is so sure in her desire to have a child, results in their separation and the falling apart of what seemed such a perfect solution to Juno's predicament. Mark and Vanessa's separation hits Juno especially hard, because in her helpless situation Mark and Vanessa's seemingly perfect situation not only grounded her but gave her hope, as her birth parent's divorce and the dysfunctional relationship between her father and stepmother seem to give her no hope for happiness now or later in life.As Juno's pregnancy reaches full-term her faith in others and relationships is restored when she realizes that Vanessa's desire and love for her unborn child makes her more than suitable to be the mother of her child, which also gives her the courage to express her true feelings for her friend Paulie. The movie ends on an inspirational and hopeful note, with Juno having a healthy baby boy  whom Vanessa willingly and lovingly accepts, and Juno and Paulie entering into a healthy and stable relationship.After watching the movie with some knowledge of the process of growth and development, the role that Bronfenbrenner's, Piaget's, and Erickson's theories played in Juno's development. Urie Bronfenbrnner stressed the importance of the systems that surround each person, and the significant impact they have on that person's development. These systems are the microsystem, which is made up of friends, family, and school, the ecosystem, which includes things such as the school system, religious organization, and workplace, and the macrosystem, which include cultural values, economic policies, and political policies.Juno  stresses the importance the microsystem and macrosystem play in a person's development. Juno's micro system is dysfunctional, and her relationship with her parents affects her development and her relationship with her friends and the other students at her school. The divorce between her father and her mother, who now has a new family and only sends her a cactus on Valentine's Day, and her impaired relationship with her stepmother have resulted in her adopting an abrupt and unusual persona that cause her to be somewhat of an outcast at school, as well as being unsure about her own relationships in the cases of Paulie and Mark.Additional strain is placed on Juno by the cultural values of her macrosystem, as the scorn she is shown by her peers and the staff at her school over her pregnancy causes her to feel angry with Paulie. Jean Piaget described the four periods of cognitive development, and Juno's ability to think and reason analytically show that she is in the formal operational stage of her cognitive development. This stage is characterized by adolescents thinking â€Å"about a bstractions and hypothetical concepts and reason analytically, not just emotionally.They can be logical about things they have never experienced. † (Berger, 2008, p. 45 Table 2. 2). The character of Juno is an excellent example of this development, because throughout her pregnancy, which is an extremely emotional time, she is able to reason logically about what is best for her baby without being driven solely by emotion. Juno's decision to still give her child to Vanessa, who she knows will be a great mother, after Mark leaves her (which Juno blames herself for), showcases Juno's ability to reason logically without emotion.Also, Juno's decision to have her child and to give it away to Mark and Vanessa despite how difficult it will be emotionally displays her ability to be logical about what is best for her and her child despite having never experienced the situation before. Erik Erickson describes eight critical developmental stages of psychosocial development, and the stage t hat the adolescent Juno is in is identity vs. role confusion. This stage emphasizes the importance of social relationships and the primary task is finding one's own personal identity.Failure to receive identity achievement results in role confusion, and for part of the film this seems that the dysfunctional relationships in her life will make this happen to Juno. However, a conversation with her father about the importance of finding someone who truly loves and knows you gives Juno the realization of who she is and what exactly it is that she wants. This spurs Juno on to enter into a relationship with Paulie, and after having the baby, is content with who she is and what she wants.Juno, is a film that is not only valuable for its cinematic content, but also for its accurate representation of development, including physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. The growth of the film's young protagonist Juno is not only representative of the hardships of teenage pregnancy and their effects o n a young woman, but that successful development can occur despite these hardships when there is a proper balance of emotional and environmental factors.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A forecasting method Essay

1. Which of the following barometric indicators would be the most helpful for forecasting future sales for an industry? 2. The use of quarterly data to develop the forecasting model Yt = a +bYt−1 is an example of which forecasting technique? 3. Consumer expenditure plans is an example of a forecasting method. Which of the general categories best described this example? 4. The type of economic indicator that can best be used for business forecasting is the: 5. An example of a time series data set is one for which the: 6. If two alternative economic models are offered, other things equal, we would 7. European Union labor costs exceed U.S. and British labor costs primarily because 8. If Ben Bernanke, Chair of the Federal Reserve Board, begins to tighten monetary policy by raising US interest rates next year, what is the likely impact on the value of the dollar? 9. If the British pound (â‚ ¤) appreciates by 10% against the dollar 10. An appreciation of the U.S. dollar has what impact on Harley-Davidson (HD), a U.S. manufacturer of motorcycles? 11. Companies that reduce their margins on export products in the face of appreciation of their home currency may be motivated by a desire to 12. In an open economy with few capital restrictions and substantial  import-export trade, a rise in interest rates and a decline in the producer price index of inflation will 13. Trading partners should specialize in producing goods in accordance with comparative advantage, then trade and diversify in consumption because 14. Marginal revenue product is defined as the amount that an additional unit of the variable input adds to ____. 15. The marginal product is defined as: 16. Which of the following is never negative? 17. The combinations of inputs costing a constant C dollars is called: 18. The marginal rate of technical substitution may be defined as all of the following except: 19. Marginal factor cost is defined as the amount that an additional unit of the variable input adds to ____. 20. If TC = 321 + 55Q – 5Q2, then average total cost at Q = 10 is: 21. The cost function is: 22. What method of inventory valuation should be used for economic decision-making problems? 23. For a short-run cost function which of the following statements is (are) not true? 24. According to the theory of cost, specialization in the use of variable resources in the short-run results initially in: 25. ____ are defined as costs which are incurred regardless of the alternative action chosen in a decision-making problem.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Resources and Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resources and Technology - Research Paper Example Entrepreneurial spirit in the business organization greatly emphasizes on the speed of change in planning, implementing and executing the task at hand and HR needs to move equally as fast as the business needs demand. Accordingly, the organization expects from the HR team that they move fast and "deliver high-value solutions that are executable at the speed of commerce" (Richards, 2013). While deploying HR models in new markets, it is important to keep in mind local cultures and work ethics. While a firm is ready with a new joint venture in an alien land, HR has to get ready with the employee-friendly, cost-effective new models and solutions that adapt to the new conditions quickly. Thus, HR’s role in the technology-driven globalized world has been even more relevant than ever before because mergers, alliances, acquisitions in the new international business environment will pose some of the serious challenges to HR managers on workforce deployment issues to provide maximum benefit to the

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Prime Minister Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Prime Minister Debate - Essay Example Together with the senior ministers who make up the cabinet, the prime minister is responsible for his strategies and performance to the queen, his political party, the parliament, and above all the electorate. The office is not instituted by constitutional laws but subsists according to a customary convention which outlines that the queen appoints an individual as the prime minister. One should be capable of upholding the buoyancy of the House of Commons. Usually, the Prime Minister is the head of the party or coalition of parties with the majority seats in the chamber (Tuchman 1996,p.37). The prime minister is mandated with the task of making top appointments including the cabinet members, ministers, High commissioners, senior civil servants, senior military officers and Ambassadors while other appointments are made by the minister who have powers to appoint or dismiss. The prime minister under constitutional practice can declare war and by the virtue of being the chair of the defen ce council can influence the deployment and disposition of the British Armed Forces. Even though he is not permitted to directly order the deployment of the nuclear weapons, he has the power to offer consent to their use. The Prime Minister is also vested with the power to appoint ministers called the ‘whips’ whose main duty is to solicit the support of MPs and to discipline nonconformists of the government parliamentary party. Since the electorate votes for parties and not individuals, party discipline becomes extremely crucial. In fact, MPs can be expelled from their party for failure to rally behind the government on core matters though this does not necessitate their resignation as MPs. Ministers and MPs with political privileges are prone to demotions if they do not support the Prime Minister fully (Barnett 2009,p.84). The government’s party strengthens its position by ensuring that it has the majority number of MPs in the house or enjoys a bigger support of the voters. The Prime Minister on the other hand enforces the support of the Commons through party negotiations without much consideration to the opposition MPs. However, at times, a government may be unable to legislate effectively despite enjoying a luxury support. For instance in 31st January 2006, the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s administration found it difficult to convince the House of Commons on various issues concerning religious abhorrence (Knappen 1998,p.53). On such circumstances, the government is forced to change its proposals to curb any chance of defeat in the Commons as this would render it critically weakened. Such a scenario would necessitate the Prime Minister’s and his government’s resignation. In most cases, the Prime Minister solidifies his position by keeping his staunch supporters in the cabinet. He also enforces his position by exercising his legal power of choosing the cabinet ministers to attend a particular meeting. In essence the prime minister holds the power of any government he is administering since he is accountable for both producing and enacting the ministerial code (Chrimes 1997,p.56). Owing to the fact that the prime minister controls the law making process, he or she can easily and at will manipulate the process of enacting his own legislative agenda or those of his political party. Over a period of time, the holders of this office have ensured that laws have been enacted to cement their position or for the interest of their

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Experience Vs. Qualification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Experience Vs. Qualification - Essay Example This misconception is not correct that experience matters more than qualification. Qualified graduates need not dishearten in the absence of experience. Accredited qualification helps in offering plenty of job opportunities; it is true for all streams of study, for example taking the stream of Town Planning in which every year 2000 students get graduated from universities with an RTPI-accredited planning degree (Parkes, 2011). Graduates stand more chances of selection by using various recruitment channels rather than depending solely on traditional methods. Students can no more depend on campus recruitment alone. Lack of experience should not discourage graduates. Some of the suggestions for getting jobs are graduation include: 1. Networking these days has become critical for getting recruited, as only one in five jobs are advertised. In the planning job scenario, the young planners’ network group which held even a speed networking event in Birmingham, could be the best platform for meeting the like-minded audience, prospective employers and create links that help in off-campus recruitment. 2. Graduate students need to maintain high level of awareness on current affairs and possess an insight of the policy decisions related to their subject taken by the government at various levels. It can provide an edge over others in the recruitment process. 3. Due to lack of experience, getting a job becomes additionally arduous task. Ideal way is to offer help to prove your calibre; it can realise in bigger gains. Initially, an employer could be unwilling to offer a permanent job but afterwards may find the services offered by the graduate indispensable to the organisation and could materialise in job offering; it has happened in many cases. 4. Lookout for the organisation that could offer you your dream job. Locate the person doing that dream job, and request their time to guide you on getting where they are today. Such people can offer better advice as they had been in similar position where a graduate finds himself. Chances of getting that dream job could brighten if your dream job is advertised and that guide recalls you to offer that opportunity. 5. Widen your knowledge circumference and work experience to be called for the waiting opportunity amid economic downturn and job competition. Your passion for the job to the prospective employers should be clearly visible while you are still amidst your study. Offer yourself to be a volunteer to charities and community organisations to lead their projects. The RTPl website can provide required assistance pertaining to recruitment agencies and guidance from those who have overseas experience, which can be worked out for getting a competitive edge (Parkes, 2011). Explanation of the Terms Qualification Before arguing in favour of qualification standing better prospects of job selection, a definition of qualification can help in comprehending how a qualifications framework in a given qualifications system can help graduates in selection. Werquin

Alfuttaim motors Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Alfuttaim motors Toyota - Essay Example This has made it to enhance the robust development of the automotive industry of the UAE as well as contributing to its significant growth widely. Alfuttaim motors have the greatest number of its vehicles on the road as compared to other automobile manufacturers in the world. Its vehicle brands target both the middle-class economy as well as the first-economy economy (Nayak & Josh, 2012). Its vehicle brand, the Lexus, targets the first-class economy. This is because it is quite expensive and it can only be afforded by people who consider themselves as falling under the category of first-class. The sales of this Lexus brand are however minimized by the stiff competition from the German machines like the Mercedes Benz and the BMW. The majority of the sales of the Alfuttaim motors are the Toyota. This is because these types of vehicles are affordable to the middle-class in the economy. It is also notable that the middle-class makes up the largest percentage of the people in the world. It is also the biggest sale as it is accompanied by a wide variety of material handling equipment from the same manufacturer which is equally affordable to the middle-class. This has made Alfuttaim motors to be a significant exporter of cars in the developing nations as that is where most of the middle-class people reside. The target market of the Alfuttaim Motors is spread throughout the world. This is mainly due to its ability to cater for the vehicle needs of all the people whether they are low income earners or the high income earners. Its ability to offer a wide variety of motor vehicles also places it at a better position to capture a wide market base in the world. It is acknowledged that the Alfuttaim motors makes affordable vehicle brands for the low income earners so as to provide them with a rudimentary means of transport (Nayak & Josh, 2012). It also makes luxurious cars, for example the Lexus,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tipping point Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tipping point - Essay Example Connectors are perceived to be the trendsetters because of their rich network of acquaintances and friends. They know many people and keep in touch with them. Simply put, connectors strive to bring the world together not for their benefit, but for the benefit of humanity. On the other hand, Mavens are people who take delight in finding new information and share that information with connectors. Unlike connectors who simply wish to have a vast network of friends around them, mavens strive to have hottest esoteric scoops on specials and gadgets, and share that information with consumers. Hence, they fundamentally connect consumers to the marketplace due to their aptitude and capability to be informed on functionality of products, prices, and market trends. While the Mavens provide the message and connectors spread it, salesmen are skilled in persuading people to believe in what they hear. Their ability to easily build a rapport makes them good in expressing feelings and emotions, and o ften use their charisma to manipulate others. A striking difference between salesmen and connectors is the sheer fact that connectors think not as individuals, but in nodes and are more obliged to first help you then money later; however, salesmen are apparently money-oriented as they hugely motivated by money when packaging and pricing innovations (Gladwell, 82). Similarly, while connectors seem to rely on more general information to connect the world, Mavens dig deep into ideas and innovations and give detailed and unambiguous information regarding it. Apparently, I am more similar to the Connector personality type. Over the past few decades, with the dawn of technology I have been finding myself more engaged with the social media including Facebook and Twitter. I start each day on Facebook and Twitter by posting and twitting unpretentious questions such as â€Å"How can I help you?†, â€Å"Is anything the matter?† Through these platforms, people have been able to express

Monday, September 23, 2019

Cosmopolitanism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cosmopolitanism - Essay Example In this reference, the cosmopolite has some advantages that might include personal and political emancipations and freedoms over less economically privileged individuals. The philosophical significance in cosmopolitanism lies in its challenge to generally recognize attachments to fellow-citizens, parochially shared cultures, the local state, and the like. In Ancient Greece the term Cosmopolite meant citizen of the world. The opus of the Greek term, cosmopolis, already indicates this unsolved stress: cosmos, an accepted universal order, is related to polis, society's inconsistent order. As a result, from the Greek democratic city-state to the international village, the idea of cosmopolite has been disturbed by questions such as whose world this actually is. Can the forces of homogenous external expansionist exist harmoniously with the heterogeneous localized ones A truly cosmopolitan answer would imply a permanent interest in difference and the recognition that internationals and locals depend on each other in order to exist. Since its beginning, cosmopolitanism has been a category marked by a need to negotiate with "others" and has reflected tensions between local and regional realities, ethnocentric and relativist perceptions, and particularism and universalism. Historically, cosmopolitanism has reflected the ideologies of different periods and modes of integration to larger, colonial or global, political units. As a category mostly held by elites, it often means the sophistication that results from familiarity with what is diverse. It has become an allegory for mobility, migrancy, sensitivity and forbearance to otherness, independence from specific authorities, and transcultural and intercontinental realities and claims. Its opposing concepts have often indicated racism, fixity, parochialism, restricted sovereignty, and commitment to a motherland or a nation-state. The history of the relationships between local and regional conceptions is old as human race. A strong inclination towards local reality, particularism, variety and context may oscillate, such as at the end of the Renaissance or during the Enlightenment, towards highlights on general formal timeless statements that pretend to be universal. Having its roots in Ancient Greece, cosmopolitanism has been disconnectedly present in western philosophical or political deliberations. The military conquests of Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) opened up the situations for the existence of a "world empire" that supposedly aimed at uniting East and West into an enlightened commonwealth. Greek became the lingua franca of the Hellenistic age (4th - 1st century B.C.), an age that lasted until the institution of Roman hegemony. Although cosmopolitanism was a subject for Greek philosophers before Stoicism, this school of philosophy established in Athens by 300 B.C. systemized cosmopolitan theories advancing revelations such as that of a world city, an ideal state where everyone would be a resident. Stoics were active in assessing Greek ethnocentrism towards barbarians and promoted a sense of brotherhood, a vision of humankind that was conveyed to Romans and predated Christianity's claims to universalism. Cosmopolitanism passed on to different political and intellectual elites from the Roman Empire through Medieval Europe. The Christian church played a chief role in the reproduction of cosmopolitan ideals and apparatuses by shaping two or more cultures sacred imagined

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marine Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marine Finance - Assignment Example Research – Mainly concerned with providing research work on marine industry. The Shipping Industry The shipping industry comprises of the largest marine sector. However there has been a decline in the shipping industry since 1974. This can be primarily attributed to cyclical developments which got worse with the structural changes in the shipping industry and the world trade that made adjustments a time consuming and complex process. The extreme changes in the revenues, cash flows and values of assets during the present financial crisis have bought in difficulties in the regular order of financing shipping companies. While bank loan will continue to be an important source of finance, the newly regulated environments are forcing the shipping banks to shift their risk from balance sheet to capital markets through instruments of loan securitization. Due to this shipping company will look for capital markets as a source of external debt. Risk management will be a key issue in the shipping companies under the current situation. The other changes witnessed by the shipping industry is that traditionally it was structured by function and performance but now it is undergoing drastic changes as traditional functions are now merged with number of other services. Another major change witnessed by the shipping industry is involvement of the government in its ownership, operation and regulation. Thus the shipping industry has evolved over time from traditionally being an owner operating, free trading, and unregulated industry towards a public oriented, highly regulated and institutionalised industry (Frankel, 1987, pp. 1-15). Role of Financial Management in Risk Mitigation of shipping Industry The shipping industry encounters a number of risk namely changes in equity prices, interest rates, exchange prices, commodity rates and the changing freight rates. The risk of the changing freight rates will be discussed at length in this section. This is a kind of marketing ris k the shipping industry faces on a regular basis. The freight rates historically have proved to be very volatile. The effect of unpredictable geo-political events and slow adjustment of supply to demand has resulted in drastic changes in the freight rates. In financial management the best used risk assessment model is the Value at-Risk Approach. It was developed by JP Morgan’s Chairman Dennis Weatherstone. In this approach he asked his staff to provide him with one page report on a daily basis popularly known as the â€Å"4:15 report† which indicates the risk and potential loss in the next 24 hours in the bank’s portfolio. The approach used the estimates of standard deviation and correlation between the returns of different traded equipments. General methodologies of estimating the Value at Risk Approach are analytical methods, Historical Simulation and Monte-Carlo Simulation. This very approach is used in the assessment of freight rate risk in shipping industry . This approach first considers freight rates as risk factors which are assumed to follow random walk and are modelled using stochastic processes. These stochastic processes reflect some of characteristics of freight rate dynamics. The cash flow forms the key measurement of risk. For

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scholastic Corporation Essay Example for Free

Scholastic Corporation Essay Hi! I would like to welcome you and your child to Third Grade! I am excited to have an opportunity to be an important part of your child’s education. Third grade is an important step in your child’s education. It consists of many new tasks and skills for your child. They are required to think more critically and work more independently. My goal is to guide and instruct your child so that he/she will be fully prepared for fourth grade. In order to accomplish this, teamwork is critical. My role as teacher for your child is to provide daily instruction, meaningful class work and homework assignments, and to provide a stimulating environment and opportunities for success. To ensure that the opening of school goes smoothly, we would like to bring your attention to activities and procedures that are important to the third grade level. All toys are to stay AT HOME unless specifically requested by teachers. Any materials (including clothing) should be clearly marked with your childs name. Organization and Homework To assist your child in developing good organizational skills, the following routines are necessary: 1. Review and sign all homework and planner nightly. 2. Work is to be completed in pencil only unless otherwise stated. 3. Homework is written, by your child daily, in their agenda. Check off work completed and initial planner nightly. 4. Homework is an opportunity to practice material learned in the classroom to the level of mastery. In order for us to maintain daily contact, we ask that you check your childs homework daily for accuracy and understanding. Do not sign homework or planner unless you have checked over homework and are sure it has been completed. 5. Take Home Folder: Your child will be bringing home a folder every night. The homework folder should be cleaned out nightly and only papers that need to be returned to school should be left in the folder. 6. I will try to make homework free weekends. There may be times when this isn’t possible, but I will do my best to make this happen. 7. All homework assignments are due on the following day. If your child forgets their homework or planner, they will have to miss noon recess to complete assignments. If your child forgets to get homework or planner signed they will have to miss 10 minutes of recess. (1/2 recess). Your child will not be allowed to call home for forgotten homework. Reading/Spelling Reading will be a part of daily homework. Your child needs to read at least 20 minutes each night. A portion of this time may be spent reading aloud to a parent and discussing content. Vocabulary Lists and Spelling Lists will be sent home for your child to study for that week’s story. Please review them nightly. Math Math will also be a part of daily homework. Your child will complete side B of the fact practice and written practice nightly. Scholastic Book Orders Make checks payable to: Scholastic Books. More than one book order may be sent home at one time, return a slip for each catalog that you want to order from however, one check may be written for all. Book Donations If you have books that your child has outgrown or no longer reads, send them to school and I will get them to the appropriate classrooms. Parent Teacher Communication Please feel free to call me at school or home at any reasonable time. You can also email me at school or â€Å"friend† me on facebook and send private messages. School 886-2251 Available times: 8:00 a.m., School email [emailprotected] Home – 822-3272 Cell – 886-4077

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Advantages Of Online Banking

The Advantages Of Online Banking What is online banking? As we all know online banking is something that we can pay bills by mail and deposit checks at your bank branch. Online banking is becoming much more common. You can pay your bills online and access a record of your checking account transactions online. Online banking is a great feature, and most banks do offer it. Online banking makes everything you do with your finances a bit easier. You can access the information anywhere that you have access to the Internet. It makes your financial life much easier to manage. Online banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products and services through a personal computer (PC) or other intelligent device such as PDA or hand phone which enable to connect to internet or WIFI (Wikipedia, 2009). Moreover, online banking isnt out of change your money habits. Instead, it uses todays computer technology to give you the option of bypassing the time-consuming, paper-based aspects of traditional banking in order to manage your finances more quickly and efficiently. The advent of the Internet and the popularity of personal computers presented both an opportunity and a challenge for the banking industry. Financial institutions have used powerful computer networks to automate millions of daily transactions; today, often the only paper record is the customers receipt at the point of sale. Now that its customers are connected to the Internet via personal computers, banks envision similar economic advantages by adapting those same internal electronic processes to home use. Online banking is a powerful value added tool to attract and retain new customers. Besides it also help to eliminate costly paper handling and teller interactions in an increasingly competitive banking environment. Literature Nowadays, a lot of entrepreneurs launch the internet payment system in worldwide and the inter banking and telephone banking system spread rapidly. This system give the advantages of being convenient, safe efficient and economical (Li, 2002). Now entrepreneurs provide online banking as add-on services to the existing b ranch acitivies whole mobile banking is in the initial stage of implementation (Sylvie Laforet and Xiaoyan Li). Safety was also reported to be a big obstacle for online payment (Wong et al., 2004). With the increasing popularity of the internet, more and more industries are seeking ways to utilize this popular medium in an effort to keep up with the changing technological preferences of their customers. These days you can do just about anything online from grocery shopping to making a free phone call to a friend in Tokyo through your PC. The possibilities of the internet are seemingly endless and the banking industry has decided that it will not be left behind. While most people have at least heard of online banking, the majority of them have probably not tried it yet. Maybe its because we find more comfort in working with real people and real paper when it comes to money matters rather than performing transactions in the seemingly impersonal universe of the World Wide Web. Whatever the case may be, there are both advantages and disadvantages to online banking as a safe way to quickly and efficiently manage your finances. Howcroft et al. (2002) revealed that younger consumer value the convenience or time saving potential of online and mobile banking more than older consumers. Young consumers also regarded the lack of face-to-face contact as less important thean older consumers. They also found among the reasons for consumers to be reluctant to use online services were concerns over security, lack of awareness of online services offered by banks and complex bank sites. The evolution of the bank Web presence is simple web presence (Staticpages with general information about the bank), off-line interactive site (Customized contact with the client; online communication through e-mail) and internet banking services (Online transactions). Sathye (1999) investigates internet banking adoption by Australian consumers and identifies security concerns and lack of awareness as the main obstacles to adoption. Cheng et al. (2006) found perceived web security to be significant determinant of customers acceptance of online banking. Customers tend to increase purchase only if they perceive that credit card number and other sensitive information is safe. Websites are essentially a type of information technology. Direct confrontation is an internet transaction platform. Shopping websites allow customers to choose products based on their own needs and provide businesses with transaction platform through interactive communications to fulfill the transaction (Grace T.R Lin and Chia-Chi Sun, 2009). Entrepreneurial businesses are recognized as more informationally opaque than large and more established firms, and the collection of private information is costly (Ang, 1991). Online banking allows entrepreneurs to lower the transaction costs, incurred by transportation for instance, and access physically distant multiple lenders with much lower searching costs (Liang Han, 2007). Although online banking service is long introduce is western countries and widely used. However, in Malaysia, online banking is not so popular and online being used by certain sector. This might because of technology, knowledge of internet and trust among the consumer and businessman. Types of business using online banking are Bank, E-commerce, Online Game, Public Sector, and Private sector. Bank The concept of online banking rise from the Global Finance Houses whose primary objective was to ensure that customers were tuned to their finances from any part of the world. In Malaysia, Online banking is being introduced during year 2000 (b.shanmugam, 2000). Malaysia had started to introduce online banking to it nation through Maybank. However, during that time, internet is not so popular used and the online banking service is gone through wireless application protocol (WAP). Many complaints are received during that time due to the transmission of data is very slow. However, it has being improved after the encouragement of using broadband by Malaysia government. By introducing online banking in bank, the major functions of online banking is using for transaction. It enables customers to transfer their money to their account or other peoples account. As a result, customers no longer have to bring big amount of money walking around the street. What they just need to do is just one c lick in front of home computer (, 2009), for example CIMB clicks and Beside from that, customer also can use online banking for payment. As online banking is functioned 24hours every day, user can pay their bills any time anywhere as long as connected to internet (Gerard, Cunningham and Devlin, 2006) and the proper function of the bank website. By the way, customers also can check there account status through online banking and any transaction that had being done before. Because of these conveniences, customers no longer have to queue up at the counter to wait for their turn. A part from that, ATM (Baba Prasad, Patrick Harker, 2009) also considers as one of the online banking system where is enable customer to withdraw money, payment, transaction and account checking. E-commerce Beside from the Bank are using the online banking, e-commerce sector also using online banking for their transaction of payment. Nowadays, more and more online store are available in the in the internet such as and many young generation are preferring for online purchasing. Every payment or transactions of money are done through online banking idle through ATM machine or personals computer. Online Game, Public Sector, and Private sector Nowadays, online games also provide online banking service for their customers to top up the credits or purchasing item for their online games. From what can be seing, many online banking website consist of online games advertisement and there will be a column for customers to top up. Beside from that, public sector such as government and private sector such as supermarket or own business also connected with online banking whereby to save time and cost (Banco Bank, 2009). With this service, any corporations or government sector can transfer any of money to others easily and all the transaction will be transfer in data form. Method Online banking products and services can include wholesale products for corporate customers as well as retail and fiduciary products for consumers. Ultimately, the products and services obtained through online banking may mirror products and services offered through other bank delivery channels. Some examples of wholesale products and services include (National bank of America, 1997): Cash management. Wire transfer. Automated clearinghouse (ACH) transactions. Bill presentment and payment. Examples of retail and fiduciary products and services include: Balance inquiry. Funds transfer. Downloading transaction information. Bill presentment and payment. Loan applications. Investment activity. Other value-added services. National banks of America have experimented with various forms of online banking for many years. Some of the early experiments involved closed systems where the customers accessed banks through a dial-in or cable TV connection. These systems limited a banks potential customer base because they required out-of area customers to either incur long-distance charges on their phone bills or subscribe to a particular cable TV service to access the bank. With the widespread growth of the Internet, customers can use this technology anywhere in the world to access a banks network. The Internet, as an enabling technology, has made banking products and services available to more customers and eliminated geographic and proprietary systems barriers. With an expanded market, banks also may have opportunities to expand or change their product and service offerings. Besides, now the most services that the companies use are; easy account maintenance, online bill payment, online balance transfer, accou nt alerts, rewards for going paperless. Easy Account Maintenance Online banking makes it easy to keep track of your balance and the activity of your accounts. For those who have multiple accounts with the same bank, many online banking systems allow for you to see the balances of all of your accounts on a single screen. You can also easily go back and forth between your accounts and monitor their activity with little to no hassle. Online Bill Payment Probably the most widely used advantages of online banking is the ability to pay bills online. Most online banking systems feature this capability, allowing for you to enter in your account information for your billers, to pay them directly from your bank account. A lot of banks even allow for recurring payments to be set up for those bills that remain the same each month such as mortgage, rent, car, and personal loan payments. Depending on the relationship your bank has with the biller your payments can be automatically debited from your account or an electronic check may be drafted and mailed to the biller. Any ways you look at these are all advantages of online banking: save you time, save money on postage, and provide the opportunity to avoid late fees with careful planning. Online Balance Transfer At some point you may find that you have to make a purchase and do not have enough in your checking account to cover it. However, you may have the funds needed in another account such as a savings account. One of the advantages of online banking is the ability to transfer funds from one of your accounts to another. This online banking feature helps to prevent insufficient funds, return check, and overdraft fees on your account(s). A word of advice about transferring from your savings account, try to keep this type of online banking activity to a minimum. Federal regulations prohibit an excess of six transactions from occurring on a savings account within a billing cycle. Account Alerts Another one of the advantages of online banking is the availability of setting up account alerts. Some banks offer account alert set up, where an email or even text message can be sent to you based upon certain criteria you select. For example, if you have a recurring bill payment where an electronic check is drafted and mailed, you could set up an alert to be sent to you advising when the bank has mailed out the payment. Other alerts include, weekly activity alerts, statement alerts, and low balance alerts. These alerts work to make monitoring your account easier. Rewards for Going Paperless All of the focus on going green these past few years, the last in the advantages of online banking list deals with rewards for going paperless. A lot of banks offer rewards in the form of rewards points or cash to help reduce the amount and cost of paper consumption. By opting to receive your bank statements online, increasing the use of online bill payment, and using your bank card more frequently your rewards could rack up significantly and youd be helping out the environment in the process. Improvement Online Banking Essential Security Measures Financial institutions and businesses are studying various approaches to the online banking security problem. The idea behind all the solutions is to include some extra layer beyond the user name and password that would act as a barrier to account access. The most popular approach that is used widely in corporate settings, involves physical objects that serve as keys. Most have focused on solutions using software, which might offer some improvement in security at much lesser cost. Bank of America began introducing a software-based program designed to prevent crooks from impersonating either a bank customer or the bank itself. Financial institutions and corporations engaging in any form of Internet banking should have effective and reliable methods to authenticate their customers. An effective authentication system is necessary for compliance with requirements to safeguard customer information, to prevent money laundering, to reduce fraud, to inhibit identity theft. The risks of doing business with unauthorized identified persons in an Internet banking environment can result in financial loss and reputation damage. There are a many different technologies and methodologies financial institutions can use to authenticate their customers. These methods include the use of customer passwords, personal identification numbers, digital certificates using a public key infrastructure, physical devices such as smart cards, or other types of authentication methods. Existing authentication methodologies involve three basic features: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user knows (e.g., PIN, Password); à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user has (e.g., ATM card, smart card); and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Something the user is (e.g., biometric characteristic). Authentication methods that depend on more than one mechanism are more difficult to breach than single-feature methods. Accordingly, properly designed and implemented multi-feature authentication methods are more reliable and stronger to deter fraud. For example, the use of a login ID and password combination is a single-mechanism authentication (something the user knows) whereas, an ATM transaction requires a multi-feature authentication which is something that the user possesses (example: the ATM card) combined with something the user knows (example: PIN). Financial institutions offering Internet-based products and services should have reliable and secure methods to authenticate their customers. The level of authentication used by the financial institution should be at par level with the risks associated with those products and services that are offered. Risk assessments that indicate the use of single-feature authentication is inadequate, financial institutions should implement multi-feature authentication, layered security, or other controls to reduce or eliminate any risks. Another tip for banking online is to be very aware of Internet banking security. Identity theft is a real and growing problem today. As such, you need to be highly protective of your personal account information whenever doing transactions online. Make sure you never give personal information out over the Internet unless you are connected to a secure site. Also, store your access information in a secure place. Routinely check your computer for spy ware and viruses, protecting your identity this way as well. The important security feature you will want to make sure is in place with your online bank is encryption. Verify that the banking portal has high-end encryption software in place. If not, it might be advisable to choose a different banking option. You can verify this by looking for the graphic, which is usually located at the bottom right of the browser that signifies the encryption is in place. Last tip about Internet banking is to remember that some procedures are still affected by the business hours of the bank. Even if you transfer a balance at 8:00 PM, it may not show up on your account until the next business day. Plan your transactions accordingly if you are working on a tight budget. Use the Internet to shop for the best banking options. Check interest rates on loans and savings accounts online. The Internet can be a great tool in helping you secure the best possible banking services to meet your needs. The history of Internet banking has come a long way over the last six years, and it is only going to get better! Get connected to Internet banking today. Outcomes The Advantages of Online Banking. There is huge competition in online banking service in market and the new entrants into the services are providing huge benefits. First, online banking is convenient. It allows you to perform transactions, pay bills and check balances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The bank virtually never closes because it is as accessible as your PC or laptop computer. No matter where you are in the country or in the world, you can visit your online bank and handle money matters. You can even schedule to pay several payees ahead of time rather than keeping up with paper bills or trying to remember when to visit a payees web site to make an online payment. Your bank will automatically send the payments on your behalf in the amounts and on the dates you specify. For example, online bill payment is easier and less expensive than generating and mailing a paper check. Your bank may offer free bill pay services; if so, this saves the expense of ordering checks and buying stamps. Checks will be generated and mailed by your bank at your authorization. Plus, the checks will have the vendor names directly on your bank statements, next to the amount of the check and check number. This is not true for traditional checks. Meanwhile, online banking is also opposed by traditional bankers because a huge percentage of profit is taken away by the portal providers and the bankers are left to play as brokers who bring two parties together. But there are many online services provided by online banking that eased the customers and the banks. The transactions provided by online banking are cheap as compared to branch service and phone transactions. It is easy to set up a bank and the customers get wide range of banking options online. Online banking services include the provisions for ATMs and anytime anywhere anyhow banking that is also called Martini Banking. The automated service of online banking helps customers to easily set up an account and withdraw money at any time. The customers can get a mini bank statements and balance inquiry through ATMs that are widely available even in remote locations. The online banking service reduces traveling cost of the customer and anytime requirement of money is fulfille d. Many billings can be done from home; office through online banking and shopping can be done without carrying heavy cash in pocket. Banks are benefited from online banking as the overhead operation cost gets reduced and repetitive paper tasks can is prevented. The automated systems have better efficiency and control on a job and a proper documentation of all transactions can be availed anytime by the banks. Thirdly, online banking is fast, efficient and effective. Through the internet, transactions are typically performed and executed at a faster rate than ATMs. In addition, online banks give you the ability to handle several bank accounts such as checking, savings, CDs, and IRAs from one site. The majority of banking sites are also compatible with programs like Quicken and Microsoft Money, so as to allow for more effective management of assets. Moreover, if you need to verify your bank account balance, just signing to your banks online services. No more waiting for the bank statement or calling the bank to get your balance. To get an accurate balance, take the banks balance as shown online, subtract any outstanding checks, and add any outstanding deposits. On the other hand, easily download the transactions like banking and credit card transactions. Download banking transactions directly into our financial software as often as we like. If use the ATM card often, this is a must, because it keeps your bank balance current in financial software. So that wont have to worry about keeping all those debit card receipts. Besides that, it doesnt waste time entering credit card charges by hand download them! This is probably one of the biggest advantages of online banking, since entering credit card transactions manually can be very time consuming. It is ubiquity, because if youre out of state or even out of the country when a money problem arises, you can log on instantly to your online bank and take care of business every day. Lastly, online investment can be profitable if conducted with a bit of caution. Familiarity with a complement as well as procession of online investment is essential. Investing tiny amounts primarily helps to revoke a risk factor. Once we have been assured enough, a amounts can be progressively increased. Online investment should be finished after consummate research. Online investigate can be finished in a remoteness of your home. Other resources, similar to newspapers as well as monetary magazines additionally suggest benefit in tracking investment opportunities. The report accessible online is customarily correct as well as reliable, to confirm upon a volume of investment. The websites have been continually updated as well as a accessible report might have been posted only hours ago. Some conjectural monetary websites suggest quotes which have been merely mines old. Online report upon investment is accessible twenty-four hours a day as well as 365 days a year. While internet banki ng makes it easier for you to manage your money, it might make it easier to forget to check how much you have so you can budget. Online banking is a lot like using a credit card; the easy access makes it easier to spend without thinking about why you are spending. You can set up e-mail alerts to let you know how when your account dips below a certain number, but nothing beats looking at it yourself and keeping your checkbook balanced. Also, when you get a credit-card statement in the mail and open it on a monthly basis, you are instantly reminded to check if any strange charges appear on your account. Its easier to forget to keep track of such information online, and youll need to have good money management habits. Disadvantages Internet banking services provide a number of benefits to businesses sector. But while it also has its disadvantages, businesses who are wishing to join the trend need to know its disadvantages as well. Despite the growing popularity of internet banking, it cannot be denied that some people still remain doubtful doing transactions online especially where money is concerned. Although most of the banks already improve their security services in order to reduce people or businesses doubtful about doing online banking, but there are still a lot of disadvantages about this. Below will be a certain disadvantages for businesses sector. The most disadvantage of online banking in business sector will be a requirement for staff in financial department with skill that deal to the computer and browser. As a staff in financial department has a responsible in task such as accessing account information and bank statements, pay bills that related with business, transfer money from one account to another account or apply for a checking, credit or other types of account or apply for loans or even download forms. All of these tasks may require a particular skill from them to maintenance the interest for businesses. Some of the staff may lack of training and experience to complete all of this tasks. Thus, it will influence the daily work in businesses cannot be progress with more smoothly. Besides that, the increasing number of fraudulent bank websites that created by hacker also can be a disadvantage or risk for online banking in businesses. A fraud banking sites will bring a lot of impact for businesses because it causes the staff in financial department confuse with the fraudulent websites. The purpose of hacker to create fraudulent banking websites was believe to aim to trick businesses disclose their sensitive information. If businesses login into this kind of websites, then the disclosure financial statement or information might be happen. Additionally, it may possible also influence the staff in financial department cannot fully complete variety of task because access the fraudulent banking websites. Thus, it will bring an impact for the overall operation in businesses. Not only for this, fraudulent bank websites that created by hacker will try to send a fake email to some businesses in order to get their confidential information. Hacker will try to verify related company confidential information through guide them enter into fraud links. When businesses not realize that is fake email and access into the fraud links, it might possible disclose their particular account information or password. Hackers can break into nearly any computer system. Any online bank site you consider should have statements on the type of security they use. You should also e-mail the bank or head to the bank branch to find out exactly what would happen if there were a security breach and press the point or go to another bank if the answer is vague. In general, you should think of your money as being as safe online as it would be in a vault, but it is your responsibility to find out just how secure the bank is, if they keep their security systems up-to-date. Finally, you shou ld also make sure that you use security software on your personal computer to reduce the chance that anyone can get your personal data. Furthermore, another disadvantage for online banking that is computer and browser from particular businesses will affect by viruses and worms that hide in the fraudulent website and email. When businesses received some suspicious email and open it or access some fraud some links, a Trojan program named Trojan horse program will install our computer immediately and secretly. This kind of program was hidden in computer and we might not realize it since the program already installed in our computer. When businesses do not realize that and access the fraudulent websites or read the suspicious email, the function of the program will been active and try to capture businesses account and password. Through by this, the hacker can access the account and capture any information about the account. The main issue for most people is that of trust. They may wonder if their transaction went through successfully or if they clicked on the correct button. The best way to overcome this uneasiness is to make a habit of printing the transaction receipt. Keep this receipt until your bank statement or online account view confirms that you have successfully executed the transaction. Online banking sites can also take a while to start up and can be difficult to learn at first. Some banks require customers to provide some form of photo identification in addition to signing a form at one of their branches. Spouses may also have to sign a power of attorney if you both plan to access and handle your accounts together online. In addition to all of this, it may take a while to learn how to use your banking site. Most if not all banks will offer an online banking tutorial. Some even offer live customer support for online banking via chat, email, or phone. Clearly, online banking has both advantages and disadvantages. It simplifies life for some people and for them it is frankly a better way to bank. For others it may be a little more complex and downright intimidating. In light of these two perceptions, more and more banks are offering online banking as a viable option for their customers. Lastly, one of the biggest disadvantages is the absence of a physical location. Being able to make deposits to a physical bank account assures peace of mind; you dont have to wonder if your check is lost in the mail or when its going to be credited to your account. Conclusion Banking is one of the most important parts of our society and economy. Banks provide the basic lending capital for all of the transactions of our economy. Without them we would indeed be in a bad spot. Even with them sometimes we are in it really bad-such as now with the financial crisis, which is really a bank crisis. Without a bank how would you borrow money to purchase a car or a home? By collectively pooling our money in a lending institution we can make life so much easier for everyone around us. This is particularly the case when we dont have a great deal of capital ourselves. Very few of us actually have the money to spend on large purchases. Because banks are so important you need to know about a great new option many of them offer. In our highly technological world there are some great conveniences resulting from the internet. The internet allows us to share large amounts of information with great speed. We can look up all sorts of interesting information, send each other em ails, and write fascinating blogs. Another thing we can do is to look at important banking information and make important transactions. We buy and sell all sorts of things on the internet. Did you know that you can also do much of your banking online? You can check your balance and you can transfer all sorts of money around from checking and savings. There are all sorts of options that online banking will offer you, but you need to know some things about it first. As a conclusion, online banking is very useful to every layer of people in this community. It is more convenient and easy to use. Beside from that, by using online banking, it save a lot of time and cost among each other and people no longer have to queue up in a long line at a counters to wait for their turn for personal or business purpose.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Maedchen In Uniform :: essays research papers

MAEDCHEN IN UNIFORM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maedchen in Uniform ( Sagan, 1932, 80’) is a film that was specifically design to represent a group of women living in a patriarchal society and the conflicts they encounter by simply being their naturally, nurturing selves. One major conflict involves the deep relationship that develops between a female teacher and her female student in an all girl boarding school that is operated like a strict military camp. It is heavily suggested that this relationship is a romantic one, but there are no solid evidence that it is. I believe that Sagan had design the film this way so that the idea of lesbianism would not be so aggressive towards the audience that they will not be willing to sit through the entire film. Should the teacher have been a man and the student remains a female, I believe that this film would not have had the same effect it did on the viewers as it did the way it was presented. The gender between the two people should not have made a difference because, in general, it is wrong to have a romantic relationship between a teacher and a student who is still under the teacher’s guidance. Given this conflict alone, I believe that the Sagan wanted to take it to the next level and show that with the suggestion of lesbianism, these women are like any other women who are also caring and nurturing. I believe she was trying to introduce a new idea of lesbianism where the women are not heavily masculine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, there is the setting of a strict military like boarding school where the students, all females, are craving the love and affection that they are missing from their family. One particular student, Manuela von Meinhardis, had just recently joined the school after the recent death of her mother. She is particularly vulnerable to the love and care that is provided by the only caring teacher in the school, Fraulein von Bernburg. Fraulein von Bernburg is a very beautiful young teacher who is constantly at odds with her elders because she does see the need to punish her group of girls. She believes that the students need to be shown compassion and care; not just as a teacher but as a friend. It is between these two women that a heavily suggested romantic relationship developed. The reason why I say â€Å"heavily suggested† is because I still believe that Fraulein von Bergen was only trying to be sympathetic with the new girl, Manuela, because her mother had just died.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Relationships with the Dead in Wordsworths We Are Seven and Hardys Di

Relationships with the Dead in Wordsworth's We Are Seven and Hardy's Digging  Ã‚   "[One] can outlast death not in a divine after life but only in a human one. If the poet dies or forgets his beloved, he murders her" (Ramazani 131); Thomas Hardy's belief of the "poet's duty of remembrance" establishes the basis for his, "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?". "[Fearing] he abandoned his own wife before her death," Hardy wrote the poem to assume "the memorial responsibilities of the poet" (Ramazani 131). Whereas Hardy tries to atone for his sins "by continually grieving over his dead wife", the fuel behind William Wordsworth's "We Are Seven," is a question of being and existence (Trilling 57). This question stems from the fact "that nothing was more difficult for [Wordsworth] in childhood than to admit the notion of death as a state applicable to his own being" (Noyes 60). Despite the vastly different intentions of the poets, Hardy and Wordsworth both depict relationships between the living and the dead in their poems; however, while Hardy humorously satirizes how the l iving forget the dead, Wordsworth demonstrates a child's refusal to acknowledge the dead as being gone. In their poems, Hardy and Wordsworth both elicit the use of conversation; however, the fictional conversation in "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave?," contrasts the non-fictional dialogue in "We Are Seven". Hardy's poem "uses the ballad convention of 'The Unquiet Grave'- a dialogue between living and dead" (Johnson 48), in this case, between a deceased woman and her dog; Wordsworth's poem consists of an actual confrontation he had with a little girl when he traveled through Europe. Hardy's willingness to use disembodied voices for the intended purpose of creating... ...ument Wordsworth brings up, the girl replies, "Nay, we are seven!" (Wordsworth 1333). She lacks the ability to accept death and "this [absence] of awareness [makes] the poem so touching" (Drabble 51). What began as a simple everyday conversation finished as a didactic and somewhat emotional poem. Wordsworth, through a real life conversation, presents "the obscurity and perplexity which in childhood attend our notion of death, or rather our inability to admit that notion'" (Noyes 60). In direct contrast to Wordsworth, who did not intend to writie a deep, meaningful poem, Hardy knew exactly what he wanted to accomplish by writing, "Ah, Are You Digging on My Grave." People too easily remove the dead from their memories, and Hardy wanted to admonish his readers of the importance of remembering the dead; just because the dead are gone, they should not be forgotten.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dreams in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- F. Scott Fit

Dreams in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a novel about the American Dream. In the Great Gatsby, the dream is that one can acquire happiness through wealth and power. To get his happiness Jay attempts to reacquire the love of his lost sweet heart, Daisy. The main problem with Jay's dream is that Daisy is married. Gatsby's personal dream symbolizes the larger American Dream 'The pursuit of happiness'. Jay Gatsby longs for the past. Surprisingly he devotes his adult life trying to recapture it and dies in its pursuit. In the past, Jay had a love affair with a young rich girl, Daisy. Daisy and Jay had fallen in love with each other in spite of knowing that they could not marry because of the difference in their social status. For the first time in Jay?s life he was truly happy. During their courtship, Jay was sent off to war. Upon returning from the war, Jay found out that Daisy had married a wealthy man by the name of Tom Buchannon. Jay then spends his life acquiring wealth to reach her economic standards, in hope that he can marry her and rekindle the happiness that he once had. His love for Daisy was impossible in society because "he was at present a penniless young man without a past?he had no comfortable family standing behind him" (156). Gatsby encounters his dream of love at this point of his life. He knew that at that time a relationship of love was impossible with Daisy due to his low social standing. Gatsby became determined to breach that gap between them in order to have a loving relationship with Daisy. He did reach the physical circumstances necessary to love her, but he had focused too much on money and power the previous five years of his life. He wanted his love with Daisy to flourish. Unfortunately, he had lost the ability to love. He no longer possessed moral integrity or the ability to handle a relationship. Society is often broken up into different social groups by their economic status. Those of lower classes believe that their problems will go away if they can gain enough wealth to reach the upper class. Many people believe that the American Dream is this joining of the upper class, and once reaching that point, not having to be concerned about money at all. The logic behind this is that being poor keeps people from being happy, a... ... past. And finally, Jay?s dream was his own death, in that the rest of his life was spent trying to relive the past. His dream consumed his life so much that it had changed him to the point where he was no longer a human. He was more of a zombie who was driven to do anything it would take to realize his dream. The Great Gatsby as he came to be known, was just a young boy who wanted love more than anything else in life. His strong ambition, and immoral ways to achieve his dream took him to his grave. His life in this story is one of constantly wanting what other people have, whether it is money, social standing, or another man?s wife. It is my belief that is what F. Scott Fitzgerald wants us to take home with us. The dangers of coveting what other people have. Bibliography: ?Novel Analysis, The Great Gatsby.? Online. Available: June 9, 2000. Andrew Dilling. ?The Great Gatsby Website.? Online. Available: June 9, 2000. Fitzgerald, F. Scott (1996). The Great Gatsby The Authorized Text. New York, NY: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.

Using the Data and Your Economic Knowledge

Using the data and your economic knowledge, evaluate the possible consequences for UK macroeconomic performance if the euro area and the US seek to reduce their balance of payments deficits on current account. The four major objectives are (i) full employment, (ii) price stability, (iii) a high, but sustainable, rate of economic growth, and (iv) keeping the Balance of Payments in equilibrium.If a country is suffering from inflation and a balance of payments deficit, it is usually because the government is spending too much. In such circumstance, the Fund agrees to lend the country some â€Å"transitional funds†, providing the government agrees to reduce its deficit and slow growth in the money supply That should raise the value of sterling, reduce the price of imports, and reduce demand for UK goods and services abroad.However, the impact of interest rates on the exchange rate is, unfortunately, seldom that predictable. Changes in spending feed through into output and, in turn , into employment. That can affect wage costs by changing the relative balance of demand and supply for workers. But it also influences wage bargainers’ expectations of inflation – an important consideration for the eventual settlement. The impact on output and wages feeds through to producers’ costs and prices, and eventually consumer prices.Some of these influences can work more quickly than others. And the overall effect of monetary policy will be more rapid if it is credible. But, in general, there are time lags before changes in interest rates affect spending and saving decisions, and longer still before they affect consumer prices. Cutting the interest rate, causing savers to move their money from UK banks to other banks, this will cause a fall in demand for pounds and so a depreciation in the currency.This will therefore make UK exports seem cheaper abroad, and therefore increase the level of exports as we have greater international competitiveness on pri ce But there are certain draw backs, such as Savers are not garunteed to respond to a cut in the interest rate. and therefore the value of the pound may be unaffected? Lowering the interest rate will increase borrowing and expenditure, including increased expendiiture on imports therefore increasing the Balance of Payments deficit

Monday, September 16, 2019

Best sentencing for alcohol offenders Essay

ABSTRACT This paper will argue the fact that house arrest is the best option for alcohol offenders. It will prove through research that most alcohol offenders that have been sentenced to prison time become repeat offenders. Research will also show that offenders sentenced to SCRAMx were less likely to abuse alcohol once released. It will also show how house arrest saves the state money by making the offender pay a fixed rate for their time served on house arrest. Alcohol offenders are those who commit a crime while under the influence of alcohol. Some examples of these offenders are First-time and Repeat DUI/DWI offenders, offenders who commit homicide or assault while in an automobile, alcohol offenders who are charged with domestic violence, people on parole or probation who are known to use alcohol, minors that have been arrested for alcohol abuse, adults that take care of or oversee minors, offenders trying to reinstate their driving privileges, and licensed professionals who abuse alcohol. Most of these offenders are fined, have their driver’s license revoked and made to attend MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) meetings and MASEP (Mississippi Alcohol Safety Education Program) classes. Offenders are required to get SR22 insurance on their automobile and pay a reinstatement fee of $125 in the state of Mississippi, before they can have their license reinstated. Repeat offenders are sentenced to pay a higher fine and spend a longer time without their license. In some states third time offenders are sentenced to serve time in prison, in others, however, offenders are fined, have their licenses revoked for three years and made to spend twenty four to forty eight hours in jail. Would it not be more effective to sentence alcohol offenders to house arrest after the first offense? Some people feel that prison sentences are the best options for  alcohol offenders, however, house arrest is the best option. Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring System (SCRAMx) combines the Continuous Alcohol Monitoring system with the traditional house arrest bracelet. It provides alcohol monitoring every thirty minutes, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week instead of having to set up an appointment for the offender to come in and be tested for alcohol in his or her system. It saves the county and state in which the offender is serving his or her sentence considerable time, resources, and budgets because it is paid for by the offender and he or she is monitored continuously by GPS tracking. (AMS, Inc., 2012) It saves time and resources by letting the probation officer and other officials monitor the offender’s actions from a computer in his or her office. It saves the budget of the county and state by having the offender pay a fee for his or her time served. SCRAMx effects long-term behavioral change that cannot be achieved by incarceration. By helping the offender become alcohol free and find the reason for his or her alcohol abuse, SCRAMx is changing the life of the offender. SCRAMx offers significant advantages to the courts and supervising agencies that use it, as well as to the offenders themselves. The majority of judges hearing cases involving SCRAMx have recognized that the device is accurate, reliable, and generally accepted. The accuracy and reliability come from measuring the alcohol intake of an offender through transdermal alcohol concentrations in the sweat and insensible perspiration (oils) of the skin cells. Since these tests are done every thirty minutes it omits the possibility of the offender drinking the night before the test is set up to be done in an office setting. Courts accept these results because they are accurate and tamper resistant. SCRAMx allows probation officers and courts to manage hundreds of offender’s right from their desk. The non-invasive testing frees up time and requires no labor from the parties involved. SCRAMx helps improve offender outcomes by letting them maintain family obligations, hold jobs, and contri bute positively to the community they live in. (AMS, Inc., 2012) SCRAMx helps ease the problem of jail overcrowding by keeping non-violent  offenders out on house arrest. SCRAMx provides a cost-effective alternative to jail for those prisoners who are not a threat to the community when they are sober. County jails and prisons are populated by a high number of offenders awaiting trial. SCRAMx would reduce jail/prison overcrowding for offenders awaiting trial by providing a way for court officials to monitor and track those offenders from their offices. (Mitchell, 2012) SCRAMx helps individuals get the help they need to sober up, thus ending the revolving door of incarceration. (AMS, Inc., 20120) The revolving doors of incarceration are also known as recidivism. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, recidivism is a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior; especially: relapse into criminal behavior. (Merriam-Webster, 2012) SCRAMx gives offenders a sense of security, continuous accountability, financial responsibility and much more. First, it helps protect public safety, and provides a sense of security for the offender often saving their lives because they stop drinking. Second, Participants of the SCRAMx program give credit to the bracelet for saving their lives. Other programs are easy to beat while drinking. SCRAMx reminds the offender that they are not supposed to drink thus for keeping them sober. Sober days are twenty four hour periods in which the offender has no confirmed alcohol consumption and no confirmed tamper attempts or circumvent testing in order to mask the consumption of alcohol. Third, financial responsibility comes from the offender having to pay for their time on the program. Offenders feel that they are responsible for their own success in finishing the program. (AMS, Inc., 2012) Some people feel that SCRAMx gives offenders too much freedom unlike prisons where they are under constant supervision. Incarcerating an offender costs prisons approximately $25,251 a year and keeps them off the streets while they serve their sentence. (Lappin, 2011) Once released from prison the offender is required to pay a fine and attend alcohol treatment related therapy. The one common program they are asked to attend is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This type of therapy is held in a group setting where people with alcohol addictions meet to talk about their lives and the time they  have spent sober. Offenders must meet with a parole officer on a monthly basis to ensure they are meeting the terms of their parole. Most terms of probation are simple. Some examples are letting the parole officer know where you live and work and if there are any changes in residence and work, letting them know if you are going to be more than 50 miles away from home, and how long you will be away. (C DCR, 2010) There are very strict rules that offenders participating the SCRAMx program must follow. Offenders participating in the SCRAMx program have a set schedule and curfew which keeps them off the streets during popular drinking hours. Offenders are only allowed to leave when it is cleared by the probation/parole officer monitoring their sentence. Most common schedules revolve around work schedules and appointments to meet with the probation/parole officer. They are monitored by a Continuous Alcohol Monitoring system that tests every thirty minutes for alcohol levels in their system. Offenders on the SCRAMx program are held accountable for their actions so the first time they try to tamper with the device or have a bad test are returned to prison custody. (AMS, Inc., 2012) Sentencing alcohol offenders to prison sentences is the number one punishment handed down by courts of law. These sentences cost the state and counties in which the crime is committed millions of dollars a year. SCRAMx, the house arrest program for alcohol offenders, has been proven to offer a better solution for the overcrowding problem in our prison systems. It also helps the offender maintain sobriety and keep them from becoming repeat offenders. Some people feel that prison sentences are the best solution, however, house arrest is the best option for alcohol offenders. In many ways it benefits both the state and the offender. Wouldn’t you agree? REFERENCES AMS, Inc., (2012) SCRAMx for AMS, The SCRAMx System, Retrieved on December 29, 2012 from AMS, Inc., (2012) SCRAMx from AMS, The Benefits of SCRAMx, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from Mitchell, Matt (July, 2012) NACo Passes Resolution Supporting Transdermal Testing for Pre-Trial Populations, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from AMS, Inc., (2012) SCRAMx for AMS, Solutions, Jail Depopulation, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from Merriam-Webster, Inc., (2012) Definition of recidivism, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from AMS, Inc., (2012) SCRAMx for AMS, About Us, The Offender Perspective, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from Lappin, Harley G (February, 2011) Annual Determination of Average Cost of Incarceration, Office of the Federal Register (US) Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (2010) Division of Adult Parole Operations, Parolee Conditions, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from AMS, Inc., (2012) SCRAMx for AMS, The SCRAMx System, Retrieved on December 31, 2012 from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chinese Architecture and Feng Shui: The Siamese Twins Essay

Chinese architecture and Feng Shui   are pronounced in the same breath as both have come a long way together since the last 4000 years, and now Feng-Shui (Air-Water, literally) has caught the mind all around globe. Feng Shui is, in fact, an ethnic philosophy of China dealing with the basic principles of living while extending its wings into astrology and other paranormal sources that people believe are associated with longevity and good luck. No wonder then, it continued to govern the Chinese society since its advent and also became evolved with time to match the stride of the civilization, thereby influencing the living of its believers in every strata. Off late, Feng Shui has been seriously considered as an important tool in architecture around the globe. INTRODUCTION Quin niao tse, an officer in the Yellow Emperor’s regime is believed to be the originator or the propagator of Feng Shui, and accordingly once it was called as the ‘Art of Qin niao tse’, though any documentation of his work is considered to be lost (Too, 1996). However, Feng Shui today   is known as the ‘art of placement’. The Feng Shui literature primarily describes the earth as a living being, having energy channels. They call them as the ‘veins of the dragon’ and earmark the convergence points of those channels as auspicious sites. It embedded Taoism[1]  on its journey, and as an effect, Chinese people accepted its explanation and concretized its foundation by practicing it in the various spheres of their living, of which architecture had been heavily influenced. Incubating Period Conforming with Taoism, it soon established two schools, viz., the ‘Direction School’ and the ‘Situation School’, with one complementing the other. They still exists, where The Direction School deals with the accurate alignment of the site and the building with the stars. It is based on the theory of five elements, eight characters of birth and eight triagrams of ‘I Ching’. The Situation School deals with the significance of shapes, height the mountains, speed and curves of the water bodies (Too, 1996). This twin aspects of Feng Shui became popular enough to be spread out not only in the whole of China, but also in its neighboring countries. This generated an extended interest on further study and development of the subject as a whole, and that resulted into the birth of another branch that started to work on the dimension of timing, based on the belief that every piece of land goes through a cycle of good and bad luck. This idea influenced the monarchy to such an extent that they became choosy even about their burial sites; as that, according to the new branch, had some bearing on the longevity of the ruling dynasty. Ming Tombs of Beijing still stands as a proof of such belief beheld by the rulers of the Ming dynasty. (1368-1644). Like every philosophy or idea, Feng Shui also had to face a great deal of upheaval. In its traced track of existence, it faced ban twice, once in the time of Yuan dynasty (Mongols invaders) and in 1949, when the communist government of China found it a superstitious practice (Traditional, 2006). But, as the wise says, old habits die hard; Feng Shui has gradually bounced back and at present is doing a roaring business all around the globe where the Chinese themselves have become a minor entrepreneur. Taking clue from the growing market, other ethnic ideas of China, like astrology or acupressure, have also been embedded with Feng Shui to create a   comprehensive living solution. How Feng Shui Influences Architecture Feasibility of certain requirements of living always determines the viability of any architectural project. At the first level it deals with easy accessibility to the site, height and shape of the land, easy availability of water, scope for proper sewerage, free flow of clean air etc. If the primary conditions prove conducive, then the architects emphasize on the second level, where they check and decide on the appropriateness of external and the internal structure of the proposed construction. After that come the factors related to aesthetics or special features, which could enhance the scope to exploit the surrounding environment. All these levels of considerations are equally important for both the intended dwellers of the proposed constructions and its surroundings. Since Feng Shui claims to have better prescriptions for all those three levels of consideration along with its huge list of advices on actual living principles,   it has tremendous influence of architecture industry, as that is being proved even today. The Basics of Feng Shui Feng Shui claims to assess and identify the positive and negative aspects of a place through its system based on a theory of Yin(the feminine force) and Yang(the male force), the two opposite yet complementary forces which are believed to be the cause of life and death, where Yin is considered as earth and   Yin as heaven. There is a symbolic representation of the duo as well, where a line of two dashes represents Yin and a continuous line denotes Yang, while each is being derived from a square and a circle, which represent the earth and heaven respectively.   Yin and Yang take a set of five elements like Earth, Fire, Metal, Wood and Water to assess and decide on the preconditions of living. Though it is difficult to summarize the huge connotation behind this dualistic philosophy of Yin and Yang, yet it can be said that it propagates to use the right quotient among divergent forces like Heaven, Human being, and Earth  to achieve balance and harmony in life. Yin and Yang theory is then joined by Bagua theory, which consists of eight triagrams, known by the names like Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kan, Dui and Gen. Combination of these are used to draw a hypothesis about possible future events to take place in the house. In the end Tao, Yin-Yang theory and Bagua theory work together to enhance and maintain ‘Chi’, the vital life-force behind everything (Too, 1996). Thus, encompassing the environmental, philosophical and spiritual factor, Feng Shui suggests about the best possible order and placement of the objects to attain peace or harmony or the other results as desired by the owner of a house. In the process it involves itself into further details like assessing the zodiacal placement of the prospective dwellers to present a tailor-made prescription for the design and lay-out for their house, covering both the interior and exterior of it. How It Works Feng Shui has a set of grammar to follow. It starts with prescribing the possible right directions of a site according to its surroundings (Fong). It identifies one direction as the attributors of certain elements and earmarks certain functions of the house-to-be to that direction. A quick glance on such a list would explain the subject further: North East: The Area of Education: represented by Earth element; North: The Area of Career Luck: represented by Water element; Northwest: Area of Mentor Luck: represented by Metal element; West: Area of the Descendants’ Luck: represented by Metal element; Southwest: Area of Love Y Marriage Luck: represented by Earth element; South: Area of Fame and Luck: represented by Fire element; Southeast: Area of Wealth Luck: represented by Wood element; East: Area of Health and Family Luck: represented by Wood element. Various shapes and colors are also believed to be associated with the above directions along with numbers; they are calculated on the basis of the of the owner’s gender and zodiacal data. According to Feng Shui, the productive cycle of the elements work out in the following directions: Earth > Fire > Wood > Water > Metal Lucky Talisman There are a few objects that are considered as the provider of luck and Chi according to the Feng Shui myths and legends (Tips, 2006). The most popular ones are: the artifacts like Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, bunch of Chinese coins tagged in a red ribbon, the wind-chimes, golden dragon fish, gem trees, crystal globe or other crystal artifacts, tortoises, fruit trees, ships, hens, Mandarin ducks, etc. They are advised to place in the strategic positions according to the need of the householders. CONCLUSION Applying calculations involving all these factors mentioned, Feng Shui determines the best possible living solutions for people. Starting from prescribing for a township, it can go down to the minutest details to determine even the placement of small items in a house. In all, Feng Shui’s utility value is great in the sense that creates awareness about healthy and prosperous living, which the modern world embraced and working on for the sustainable development of the societies across the globe. References Feng Shui Tips: 2006 retrieved March 14, 2007, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Fong, H.  What You Absolutely Must Know Before You Buy A House: pdf, retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚   March 14, 2007, from Too, L. (1996). The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui: How to Apply the Secrets   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of Chinese Wisdom for Health, Wealth and Happiness.  Element Books Traditional Feng Shui: 2006, retrieved March 14, 2007, retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ [1]  Tao (pathway to life), ancient Chinese philosophy on understanding of cosmology, astronomy, and the astrophysics.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Performance Appraisal System Essay

Performance Appraisal System Antronette S. Hancock Axia College of University of Phoenix A performance appraisal system is a very important part of any successful organization. Both employees and organizational management and leaders benefit from a well-structured performance appraisal system. These systems offer feedback and rewards to employees who perform well, while at the same time holding employees accountable for their performance. The following report will describe the purpose, benefits, and elements of a good performance appraisal system, and outline a unique performace appraisal system for a human service organization. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to provide an evaluation and feedback on an employee’s performance. Most organizations perform appraisals yearly and may call the appraisal by other terms-such as a review. Even if appraisals are performed annually, management should have weekly consultations or meetings with staff to ensure each employee is kept up-to-date with policies and each employee knows what is expected of him or her. A manager should not wait until the end of a year to let an employee know that there has been a performance problem for the last eight months. Problems should be addressed as they arise to prevent any surprises during the appraisal process. The evaluation portion of an appraisal system is normally performed by management. During this portion, management evaluates an employee’s performance to determine if there are any areas that need improvement. Ideally, all employees should be meeting or exceeding organizational standards. If an employee is not meeting standards, or has not met standards at some point within the previous year, his or her appraisal may have suggestions for improvement or there may be other consequences as a result of poor performace. The feedback portion of an appraisal system normally takes place between management and the employee who is being appraised. According to Caruth and Humphreys, appraisals should be formalized according to organizational procedure (2008). Feedback should be conducted in a private setting to ensure that the information being passed on is confidential. The manager should thoroughly explain the employee’s appraisal and encourage the employee to ask questions. The manager should also be attentive to what the employee says so the the employee does not feel like his or her comments or concerns are not important. From an employee viewpoint, the purpose of a performace appraisal is very different than that of the organization. According to Cash, the employee wants to know four things: what do you want me to do, how well have I done it, how can I improve my performance, and reward me for doing well (1993). These are the questions and expectations an employees need to know in order to perform his or her job well. Managers should make sure employees are aware of expectations each and every day while working. From the organizational viewpoint, one of the main purposes of an employee appraisal system is accountability. Employees need to be held accountable for their performance at all times. A good appraisal system outlines each employee’s responsibilities and performance rates to show accountability. This is especially important in organizations that have areas with overlapping responsibilities. Each employee needs to know specifically what he or she is held accountable for. There are many benefits of a good performance appraisal system. One of the benefits is that the appraisal process allows managers to have one-on-one time with employees that they may not get to have on a daily basis. Another benefit is that any existing problems can be addressed and, hopefully, solutions can be made so that the problem can be corrected. Appraisals also encourage employees to perform better in the future so that the next appraisal will be positive. Consider the following unique appraisal system for a human service organization. Each employee will be evaluated yearly. The evaluation will be based on three areas: work performance, attendance, and innovation. Work performace will acquire the biggest portion of the appraisal score because there are many factors involved. Work performance will be based on organizational standards, accuracy rates, timeliness standards, and customer satisfaction. Attendance scores will be based on the employee’s attendance history for the previous year. And Innovation scores will be given based on any ideas the employee has come up with to improve organizational processes or cut organizational costs. Once the scores are determined, a final appraisal score is given to the employee. Employees can compare these scores from year to year to see if his or her performance is acceptable for the organization. Employee appraisal systems are very beneficial for both employees and the organization. Appraisals provide feedback to employees concerning their performance and also holds each employee accountable.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Purpose of Criminal Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Purpose of Criminal Laws - Essay Example For example, a child that fails to clean their room would receive â€Å"punishment† in the form of extra chores or loss of other things they normally enjoy. For criminal law, it is no different, except that the consequences of their actions involve a loss of privilege on a greater scale, such as by imprisonment or fines (Banks, 2009). Again, if there were no punishments, there would be no reason not to commit crimes; therefore, some type of consequences must be handed out. Criminal laws seek to set consequences for and punish those that have carried out a crime by means of deterrence, as well as incapacitation, incarceration, restitution, and retribution. People are â€Å"deterred† from actions when they refrain from carrying them out because they fear or do not want the consequences that come with the action (Banks, 2009). Criminal laws aids in this because they not only define what the laws are that cannot be broken but also set out the punishment that each law brings with it. In a state with a death penalty, for example, if someone does not wish to be punished by death, they will not commit a crime that leads them down that path. Thus, the criminal laws have done their job both in setting out the action and the punishment for it, because it has kept people from committing crimes due to the consequences imposed. Though some question the validity of deterrence and call for stiffer penalties in certain laws (Banks, 2009), the fact remains that deterrence is a reason that criminal laws exist. Another reason that criminal laws exist is retribution. Simply put, retribution means that whoever has gone against the laws of society deserves to be punished, and it will bring a measure of peace, if not pleasure, to those that were wronged to see punishment happen. Systems of retribution for crime have long existed, with the best known being the Biblical proverb of â€Å"an eye for an eye† (Banks, 2009). While retribution is known to be confused with revenge, it has been pointed out in law and in argument that the difference between the two is very defined: retribution involves limits set according to the seriousness of the wrongs done to society, whereas there is no limit to revenge (Banks, 2009). Take again the case of the criminal who chooses to murder and take a life in a state that has the death penalty. If convicted, they will pay with their own life through execution. One cannot argue that this is, in fact, an example of â€Å"an eye for an eye† logic in punishing someone who has done wrong. Criminal laws also exist to provide incapacitation and incarceration measures for those that choose to go against the laws of society. Incapacitation is a theory of â€Å"incarceration†, arguing that some criminals need to be separated from society not only for what they might have done but also to protect those who have not done wrong from this individual. It is seen as a good punishment for those that commit crimes be cause while they are incapacitated, or incarcerated